The dream of all traders is to be able to invest a small amount of time with the greatest possible returns. When starting out its not difficult to realise that trading stocks isn't necessarily going to achieve any fantastic objectives but instead using a leveraged product will always assist in getting you there faster. Today we'll take a look at what it takes to triple your trading returns with some basic CFD Trading Strategies.
Can 10% returns per annum be achievable?
You might think that is a silly question but many people will tell you that the stock markets have averaged returns around the 9-11% for several decades. Making a 10% return is not exactly shooting for the stars but I want to relate to you a CFD Trading Strategy that will enable you to triple those returns without any fancy tricks on your behalf.
Tripling your returns using Contracts for Difference
Contracts for Difference enable you to trade on leverage which basically enables your money to work much harder for you. In the above example I asked if it was possible or practical to make a 10% return per annum and the reality is that yes it is achievable. What we can then do with that 10% CFD trading Strategy is to trade at 3 times leverage, allowing use to triple the returns without too much effort. I'll give an example below but always remember that if you trade a 10% system on 3 times leverage, then your returns will be 3 times higher but your drawdown will also be 3 times higher. If you cannot handle that on your trading account then perhaps CFD
Trading Strategies are not for you
A CFD Trading Strategy example: Let's say you have $10,000 cash in your account and you're looking to trade your 10% per annum trading strategy at 3 times leverage. This means you are now taking positions that exceed $30,000 in total value and making a 10% return on that. So you are now making a 10% return on $30,000 which equates to $3,000. When you consider your cash outlay of$10,000 it means you just made a 30% return cash on cash. When you look at CFD trading in this manner you can begin to see that you don't need to trade a ridiculous levels of risk in order to achieve outstanding returns year on year.
Action: Discover the 7 most Critical CFD Trading Tips and 2 of the most common CFD Trading Strategies. Learn more about the Contracts for Difference (CFD) revolution by going to
In the Forex market the value of two separate currencies and how they relate to one another is what is known as the Forex exchange rate. Usually the Forex rate is how much of one currency is needed to buy a unit of another. Knowing the basics regarding the Forex exchange can help you get started in understanding it even better.
Just to give you an example of how the Foreign exchange rate can work and to help you better understands it we can compare the United States dollar with the Japanese yen. Let's say that on a certain day the US dollar is able to buy one hundred and ten Japanese yens, this would indicate that the exchange rate for that day is 1:110 or a one to one hundred and ten ratio. This ratio in the exchange rate is also known as pairing. When you take it vice versa you can use it to indicate how many US dollars a single unit of Japanese yen can buy. Another term that is used in the Foreign exchange rate is 'cross rates'. This term however is only used when it does not involve US dollars; it is only used when relating two foreign currencies.
A few other terms used in the Forex exchange are pips or basis points, which are actually two terms used for the same thing. These terms are used to indicate Forex rates that are calculated up to four decimal points and whether or not these are negative or positive movements. An example of this would be if you were to exchange euros with yen at a value of 135.1030, but then the euro rate goes up to 135.1035, it is called a five-pip improvement.
In using the Forex exchange rate you are required to use two currencies and this means they are quoted as 'two tier' rates. Also in the Forex market its price basis is called a bid/ask. Using the previous ratio between the yen and the US dollar in the Forex market, if this trade is made it is called a ten pip 'spread' and is secured. This term means it indicates the difference between the buying and actual selling price.
A lot of things can change the spread and affect it. These things include market conditions and traders' instincts about the strength of certain currencies, which can fluctuate greatly from day to day. One thing you should remember however when it comes to the Forex is that only Forex traders who are licensed can access official quoted rates. This means therefore that smaller investors may not receive their currency at a very good rate, because they usually receive them from commercial banks.
One last thing concerning the Forex exchange rate is that it is independently determined. This is why it thrives so well, because solely buyers and sellers and their supply and demand of certain currencies determine it. In the end individual governments and banks cannot decide the values.
With the benefits and knowledge of how the Forex exchange works you can decide if entering the Forex market is the right move for you. But with all the advantages of Forex, why wouldn't you want to?
Check out for more articles on mini forex trading and managed futures.
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Forex Currency Exchange - The 3 Golden Rules
| Posted in Exchange
Anybody who begins forex currency exchange trading hopes to make money. That is why we do it. But the unfortunate fact is that the majority of new traders and some experienced traders see their FX trading funds dwindle and vanish. Why? Because forex trading is risky, and they did not observe the three golden rules of forex currency exchange trading, which are:
Rule 1: Lower Your Risk
A lot of the advice that you see online will tell you to keep your risk down to a maximum of 5% per trade. What they do not tell you is that with many systems, depending on the profit targets,
this is still extremely risky.
When you first start out you may have a small account balance and you may be willing to take bigger risks with it in the hope of making it grow fast. For example, if your balance is under $1,000. In that situation 5% may be OK. However, be aware that you could easily lose it all if things go wrong. It is far better to be cautious and grow your trading bank over time like a good wine or cheese and mature it slowly.
If your account balance is larger than $1,000, it will become even more important to you to protect it, so you should lower the risked investment on each trade. There is always some risk, but by reducing down to 2% per trade or less, your funds will be safer.
As your account balance grows you should gradually reduce the percentage risk. The biggest traders are usually risking less than 1% of their funds on each trade.
Rule 2: Keep It Simple
It is a huge mistake to think that you have to learn everything in forex currency exchange, use every possible indicator and go with the most complex system that you can find. Successful forex trading systems are usually easy to operate. That is why they work. So start with one simple system that has good reviews and get it working before you even think about trying another.
Equally, you should not try to trade several different currency pairs. Pick one. When you are actually making money with it, you might want to expand to another, but it is very confusing trying to watch a lot of different pairs at the same time. Cable or USD/GBP is a good place to start with high volumes of trade and not too volatile.
Rule 3: Test With A Demo Account
It is well known that it is important to test your system and your skills in a demo account before you go live, but you are often not warned that there are also dangers in testing too much or for too long. Once you know that the system is good and you are operating it well, it is time to switch to real money. It is easy to become over confident in demo mode and when you finally go for the real thing, the stress causes big mistakes. So it is often better to go live with your forex currency exchange trading as soon as you reasonably can, but start out with very small real money trades.
Get Free Forex eBook - James Roshwood writes about Forex and welcomes new visitors to his excellent Forex Blog - by giving them a cool free forex gift. To get your free tips regarding forex trading and to visit the blog at Great Forex World just click on this link ==> Get My Free Forex eBook.
The UK is a leading investment destination for most global companies that focus on the development and growth of their businesses at an international level. According to the World Bank, the time required to set up business in the United Kingdom is 13 days. The World Bank has also given the UK the sixth rank in the world to operate a business.
The World Trade Organisation, 2007 claimed that the UK was the second largest exporter and the seventh largest exporter. The country is also said to be the third largest importer of commercial services and the fourth largest importer of merchandise. This status has been achieved by the UK because of its membership in the EU (European Union).
While customs declaration is not a necessity for goods imported from within the EU, it is required for imports abroad. Encouraging imports, the UK has abolished most of its import licensing controls except for a few of the national import restrictions which have been retained for public health and security reasons.
Member states of the EU enjoy free circulation of imported goods on the payment of customs duties and other regulatory charges. While a common external tariff is fixed on goods which are imported from outside the EU, the level of customs duties that need to be paid are established by the EU in its "preferential" and "non-preferential" regulations of origin.
The preferential rules fix low or sometimes even zero rates of duties on industrial goods that originate from or are imported from EU's preferential partner countries. The origin of goods depends on whether the product is fully or sufficiently processed in a preferential partner country.
Non- preferential rules of origin are applicable on goods imported from non-preferential countries like Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea New Zealand, and the USA. These goods can be either wholly originate from a single country or can be from where the production involves more than one of the above mentioned countries.
As for the UK's export business, an exports declaration has to be given to the Customs before exports take place. Except for certain goods which require licenses, permits and certificates, the Customs promptly clears exports through the New Export System.
Exports in the UK require the maintenance of an official document of export along with relevant business documents is required for this purpose. The documents are inclusive of the contract correspondence, customer's order, copy export invoices, consignment notes, advice notes, packing lists, evidence of payment and receipts from abroad, insurance and freight charges and so on. Such documents are required for VAT purposes.
Bob Smith writes about Freight forwarding and the Carduff Freight.
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In this article I'd like to talk about the first three steps I believe are vital in starting up your own import-export business.
The first and most important step is to determine your interests.
It goes without saying that the most successful businesses are those where it ceases to be considered work for the owner. We've all heard stories of people who started out very small and grew their business into million dollar enterprises. It wasn't just luck or coincidence. They were involved with something they truly enjoyed doing and worked hard at it.
Choose something you are passionate about and you would pay to do. What things do you already pay for? What things are you already passionate about?
Now, not every interest can be turned into a business that pays the bills, but it may lead you to another area that can. The key here is to remain open and just think of any interest you have - not matter how outlandish.
I really can't stress the importance of this enough. Go with what you're interested in. How can you expect others to be passionate about your products, if they aren't exciting to you?
If wicker baskets don't excite you, then don't try to sell them. Find what does excite you and sell that.
This is also going to he helpful if things get tough. In many cases when things get tough, people give up, but if you choose something you are passionate about, then you are less likely to follow the same path.
The most famous example of being passionate is Colonel Sanders. You don't get rejected 999 times unless you love cooking and chicken, which he did. It has to be something you are prepared to take that kind of rejection for and still keep smiling. The funny thing is, when you do have that passion, that edge, there is almost a sense of inevitability about the whole thing. Sooner or later, massive success is going to visit you.
So then, what's the best way to determine your interests? Ask yourself this question: If you had a day off, how would you spend it?
Then make a list of your hobbies, products you love, anything that provides enjoyment for you.
The second step is to take your list of interests and start generating ideas for niche markets and possible products. Contrary to popular belief, people don't buy products for the sake of having them, they buy them because they are trying to solve a problem. When you are thinking of niche markets, you are actually thinking of problems and the types of people who have those problems. Your product, which is also your passion, is going to solve the problem for them.
In short, you need to become a passionate problem solver.
The third step is to work on some things to really get you motivated.
What do you REALLY want out of your own business? What do you REALLY want out of life? What do you REALLY want for your family?
I'm a big believer in writing down goals and flooding your subconscious with the right stimuli - pictures of mansions, exotic locations, cars, yachts, any and every material possession you've ever dreamed of having. Pictures help make your goals seem more real and tangible.
Start a goal scrapbook. For each of the personal goals you are working towards, find a picture and put it in your goal scrapbook. Want a Ferrari? Get several pictures of the exact car you want.
Want a successful import/export business? Make up business cards with your business name and title of 'President' on them.
Want a new house? Find a picture of your perfect house.
Review your book each night and imagine yourself in the pictures, experiencing the joy at having achieved those goals. You are seeing your future. You'll be amazed at how powerful a goal scrapbook can be in helping you achieve your goals.
So give it a shot. Go after you interests, identify a niche, work on your goals, take action. This is the time to see what you are really capable of as your own Boss doing something you really love and enjoy.
Matt Canham has been helping people around the world start their own Import/Export businesses since 2002.
Learn Forex Trading - Choosing a Broker
| Posted in Trading
Before you start forex trading, the first things you need are a very good computer systems, high speed internet connection, and the amount of money that you are ready to invest in forex trading. After that you will need a forex broker.
Who is a Forex Broker? A forex broker is an individual or corporate organization that buys and sells orders according to the trader's decisions or instructions. Brokers earn money by charging commission or fee for their services. When you go online to search for a broker, you will be surprised by the number of brokers the search engine will come up with. You need to take your time to go through the individual broker's site. Things to look for include: the minimum amount needed as deposit, what are the spread between buying and selling major currencies? What type of trading platform the broker is using.
One important question to ask is if the broker is regulated. In order words is the broker registered with any Forex Trading regulatory agencies. In most cases you can find these information on their website.
Regulatory agencies: We have different types of regulatory agencies. In the United States, brokers should register as Future Commission merchant with the commodities Futures Trading Commission. The commission is there to protect consumers against unwholesome practices like fraud, price manipulation and bad trade practices. Look out for good ones. Some may have been blacklisted by the commission.
Other area to look into as part of your learning to trade forex is the form of payment for your deposit to the broker. Some brokers will only take direct deposit by bank wire or transfer; others may take e-currencies like liberty reserve, E-gold, E-bullion, Paypal or even credit card. One thing is certain however, in most cases, if there is need for you to withdraw your money or your profit, the broker will only pay you through the medium you initially deposited your money. For example if you sent your money by bank wire, money will be sent back to you by bank wire only.
Timothy Alebiosu teaches Computer Studies and ICT at a Technical college, He is also involved in seminars and workshops on Forex Trading. He is the author of a book "Learning to Use the Internet". You can visit his website
Starting a New Import-Export Business
| Posted in Import-Export
Times are bad, and everyone seem to be complaining about the economic downturn. But now is not the time to complain. All savvy business owners know that now is the best time to adopt a proactive approach. Maybe you can consider starting a new business. After all, purchases tend to be cheaper these days. Perhaps you can stumble upon some unbelievably good deals on the Internet.
But the Internet is a huge place. So where do you start? Here are some suggestions.
Step 1: Visit a trade lead directory.
If you are going to start a business online, might as well think big and go International. The Internet is a great way to connect with suppliers and customers from all over the world. Start by visiting a trade directory. You will see for yourself the wide range of products that are available. But don't do any buying yet. Proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Market research.
This is an essential step. If you skip this step, you are just risking your money unnecessarily. Make sure that there is a profit to be made before jumping on the wagon and placing a wholesale order. Otherwise, you may find yourself stuck with all that inventory, with no visible ways of getting rid of them. Poor research always lead to poor business decisions.
If you want to save a little time, you can always purchase a research report. For instance, if you are not sure if leather furniture will sell well in your country, you can buy a relevant report so that you can examine the numbers. Is there a rising demand for the products? Who are these people? Who are your competitors? You need to know the answers to these questions before making the leap.
Step 3: Have a marketing plan.
Knowing that there is market demand is one thing. But knowing how to reach out to your target customers is a totally different thing. Ask yourself how you are going to market those products to the customers. Will you do so online? Are there networks you can tap into? Again, this requires more research. But having a practical marketing plan is half the battle won.
Step 4: Actually doing it.
Don't let fear stop you if you have done your homework and you are confident that you have a good chance of success. Proceed to request for quotations. Choose your suppliers carefully. Don't just base your decision on price. You want a relatively hassle free shipment. If you choose the wrong supplier, you end up being the recipient of sub quality products.
Step 5: Manage your cash flow.
Your import/export business depends on how you manage your cash flow. Don't be greedy and place orders that will affect your cash flow adversely. Always leave room for error if you are unsure.
A good approach to adopt when you are just starting out is to place an order for a variety of products, each in a small quantity. With the products bundled together, you still get to enjoy wholesale prices. Once you determine which are the better selling products, just focus more on those products.
Start Forex Trading in 2 Simple Steps
| Posted in Trading
You have read enough material on what forex is, have a full grasp of fundamental and technical analysis, have a clear understanding of money management and have a basic perspective of emotions involved. Now there is a burning desire to try trading! How to start forex trading? Is there a way to practice first before investing any money? Where to go? Who to ask? How to click? What to do?!
Well, let's start from the beginning:
1. Choosing Forex Broker
Now that you are an educated beginner, it is time to find a forex broker. There are tones of them now a days, which makes the whole choosing process quite challenging. What kind of trading platform to choose? What are good trading conditions? Is there a demo account? Are there any extra charges?
There is a couple of things you should pay attention to when choosing a broker:
· Trading Platform
There are many trading platforms available and all of them differ. Some of the platforms are online, others are for download. Some require profound knowledge of charting, trading and overall understanding of the market; others are designed in a more user-friendly manner.
The best way to figure out whether the platform suits you is to get to know the platform via the free demo account. Almost all forex brokers offer a practice account, which allow you to practice your trading skills before investing real money. Compare several platforms and choose what is best for you. In most cases, you have about 30 days of unlimited practice time, so use it wisely!
· Trading Conditions
Take a closer look at what a selected forex broker offers - minimum account size, minimum deposit requirements, leverage options, extra fees (those can be found in terms and conditions of almost any broker, although they all claim that there aren't any!), real-time charting tools, live updates, customer support (try sending emails, chatting with online help and even calling the broker on the phone), streaming news, signal alerts, mobile features, educational materials (some brokers offer webinars, trading tutorials, personal account manager and more) and other features.
2. Making the First Trade
Now that you have a forex broker and you had enough of demo practicing, it is time to move on, make a deposit and start trading for real.
If you did, in fact, practice with the virtual money, you should know the trading platform well enough to make your first trade:
· Switch to real mode and deposit some money in your trading account. Most online brokers offer several payment methods to choose from, such as credit card, paypal, neteller, liberty reserve, wire transfer and others. Usually, the method you have chosen to make deposit with will also be the option for withdrawing your profits.
· Stay focused. While demo trading may seem like a piece of cake (especially with 50,000 virtual money), the real live trading is a bit different in terms of the amount you deposit (it is advisable to start with small deposits first - no more than $500) and emotions involved.
Keep in mind that losses are unavoidable. Consider them as a down payment for the future career.
· Choose the currency pair, set your risks, leverage, stop/loss and take profit levels.
· Set up the charts according to your style - time frame, indicators etc.
· Decide on the amount to trade.
· Enter a trade and see what happens! In case you set stop/loss limit, your trade will be closed automatically by the software. In other case, definitely less desirable, you will have to exit the trade manually.
· Keep a journal of your trades, write down everything - trading positions, your feelings before the trade, your emotions during and after, results, reasons for taking a trade etc.
· Read, analyze and learn! Most professional traders use both technical and fundamental analysis to make decisions.
· Don't overtrade - know when to walk away and stick to your trading plan. - Forex Articles, Forex Brokers Reviews and Rating, Tutorials and Forex Blog. - Top Forex Brokers, Latest Forex Bonuses, Promotions, Competitions and Events. Daily Forex Analysis, Free Tutorials and much more!
Foreign exchange software will automatically initiate and end trades for you in the currency exchange simply by constantly analyzing up-to-date real time market data. Once the market becomes unprofitable for that trade, the program recognizes this and trades away the now bad investment to shield you from that loss. These programs are becoming immensely popular amongst traders of all skill levels, so here's what to know about getting the best foreign exchange software for the money.
First, look for a money back guarantee on the program you go with. This all but nullifies your chances of getting a lemon program and also lets you test it for 60 days before you fully commit to it as this is the typical window which they'll give you. You can test the program first hand within the safe confines of a practice account for that time and watch it to trade for you.
Next, you should look for a more conservative program. This generally means that the software will only target lower risk trends. This is in contrast to the more aggressive foreign exchange software which will typically go after any and all trades, regardless of the risk associated with it. If you are new, you should only go with a lower risk program if you can't afford to check in on the program every now and then.
Finally, check user review sites as these can give you very specific and helpful insights on individual programs which you might not pick up by looking at the actual page of the foreign exchange software.
For an in depth review of what is likely the best foreign exchange software click on the link in this paragraph to realize your financial independence today.
What is a Reciprocal Insurance Exchange?
| Posted in Exchange
Reciprocals have been around for many years, but many times get looked over for more popular types of insurance, most notably Mutual Insurance Companies( Nationwide, Liberty Mutual) and Stock Insurance Companies(Allstate, Geico, AIG). However, in recent years there has been a rise of interest in reciprocal insurance, especially as more nonprofit groups search for the best means to insure their members without creating taxable income.
So what are reciprocals? Reciprocals are usually defined as a group of individuals, corporations or entities who, as members, agree to exchange contracts of insurance (policies) and share their insurance risks among themselves within their select group. Each member (policyholder) of a reciprocal exchange individually appoints and authorizes a common attorney-in-fact to manage the affairs of the exchange. Therefore, they are similar to mutuals except the people that manage the policies are not employees of the company, but these "attorney-in-fact's" who manage the reciprocals finances and deals with underwriting, claims administration, investments and any other day to day operations. The attorney in fact is usually paid a percentage of total profits for their service.
Reciprocals also have a "subscribers advisory committee"(SAC), which is essentially a governing board. Like the attorney-in-fact, the subscribers appoint the body of persons to become the SAC. The SAC has general responsibilities for the finances and insurance activities of the reciprocal. For instance, the compensation of the attorney in fact will usually be determined by periodic negotiations with the SAC.
As far as tax advantages, all insurance companies, including reciprocals are regarded as corporations when it comes to federal income tax purposes. This means that the insurance company is subject to the double tax that is applicable to most corporations. Therefore, income is taxed once at the corporate level and taxed again when distributed to the company's shareholders. Reciprocals, however, have a unique tax advantage over other insurance companies in that they are allowed to take a deduction for the amount of its annual net income that is allocated to the subscriber SSAs. (Subscribers Savings Account).
What is a Subscribers Savings Account? At the end of each year, the remaining premium will be deposited into the Subscribers Savings Account, which is held in the name of each active member. The company typically does not pay tax on the money deposited into the SSA accounts, allowing the surplus balance to build faster than retained earnings in a typical insurance company.
The reciprocal insurance structure has been used by groups of professionals including doctors, lawyers and architects and some industries, including pharmaceutical manufacturers, when coverage they need has become scarce and extremely high priced.
Though reciprocals represent a smaller number of insurance companies, they are a viable option and shouldn't be overlooked when searching for the right coverage for your specific needs.
Reciprocal Insurance Companies:
Pure Homeowners Insurance
Vietnam - Import-Export Trading Market
| Posted in Import-Export
From a historical standpoint, Vietnam had always been an agricultural nation that relied entirely on wet-rice cultivation for centuries until the Vietnam War destroyed their economy. When the new government took over in April of 1975, they launched their "planned economy." This gave rise to the implementation of collectives involving economic capital, factories, and farms, which resulted in the employment of millions of people in government programs.
For over a decade, corruption and inefficiencies of state programs, poor quality of goods, and underproduction as well as restrictions on a wide array of economic activities wreaked havoc on Vietnam's economy. Additionally, the economy suffered at the hands of American and European embargoes following the war. After 1986 and the fall of the Communist Bloc, significant economic reforms helped Vietnam renovate the economy, and in the 1990's, Vietnam was experiencing an annual GDP growth of 8%.
Prominent Import/Export Aspects
Most countries have products present in their economies that were manufactured in Vietnam. Along with Vietnam's expansion into other export markets, there are numerous factors that equate to how exports have accelerated with this Southeast Asian market. There are 4 key aspects attributed to the global growth of Vietnamese imports and exports:
* Since the renovation process, (or "doi moi" as it is referred to) went into effect over a decade ago, Vietnamese export expansion has continually increased into other countries and territories. The biggest reason behind the amount of exports growing with the US was the lifting of the embargo in 1995.
* There are currently 200 countries that import a wide array of products from Vietnam, 28 of which have an annual import turnover rate in excess of $100 million, another 16 of them exceed $500 million, and 7 import over $1 billion in product with the United States on top of that list.
* Several of these markets could import significantly more product from Vietnam such as the former Communist Bloc nations, as well as several new markets - Africa, Australia, and Latin America for example.
* Of those 200 countries that have established a trade relationship with Vietnam, there has been an ongoing trade surplus with 159 of them, inclusive of Australia, Belgium, Germany, the Philippines, the UK, and the US. Conversely, there are 47 that Vietnam has always had an ongoing deficit with. China, Hong Kong, India, Kuwait, Switzerland, and Thailand are the main ones where deficits are concerned.
Steven D is a prolific writer and Managing Director at Singapore Dovalize Pte. Ltd. He is currently promoting business in Vietnam and to know more about it, check out
Vietnam business, exports and import.
Futures Spread Trading Basics
| Posted in Trading
Futures spread trading involves the sale of futures contract and buying more offsetting contracts.
A spread tracks the differences between the price futures you are long and the futures you are short, hence, it enables investors benefit more than they would trading in stocks or outright futures.
Spreads trading helps in spreading investment risks since you can own long futures of one kind in a given month, and own short futures of the same kind in another month; this is referred to as intra commodity spread trading.
Investors can also own long futures of one kind and own short futures of another kind which is commonly referred to as inter-commodity trading. The commodities must be related so that movement of prices of the commodities goes to the same direction.
It is easy to trade in spreads, whether you are an experienced investor or a beginner since futures spread trading is considered as a safer way of trading in futures.
Inter-market spreads require only a small margin required for total futures which helps you use your money in the most efficient way. Spread trading also offer greater returns since you are posting fewer margins for the same possible return which are usually higher.
Spreads tend to drift as compared to outright futures; therefore, they can be used to create futures positions partially. When futures drift, you make more money since the futures market is not affected by manipulation.
Spreads trading allows you to trade on a seasonal basis since trends drift on seasonal basis, thus high returns.
Futures spread trading is more predictable than trading in shares or futures trading which explains, why the margins of spreads are low. Spreads are not affected by problems related to lack of liquidity since you can trade in less liquid markets.
Commercial firms have used the spread trade to extend their hedges from on contract month to another, by so doing; they attempt to recover the costs of their inventories.
Most of trade spreads are utilized by large speculators and commercial firms since they are highly knowledgeable about spreads than small speculators.
This is so because small speculators many at times find spread trading complex; they are required to analyze two positions instead of one.
However, these challenges have not barred small speculators since they can improve their profit by trading spreads correctly.
Futures spread trading, has helped traders predict the future movements of prices. This will allow them to make decisions whether to hold on or sell based on the prices signals.
Learn more futures spread trading strategies at my site. Discover what are the best futures trading platform online.