Preparing To Study Abroad
| Posted in Study
The thought of leaving home to study abroad brings about feelings of trepidation, excitement and nervousness all at the same time. But if you plan for it well in advance, you can enjoy the experience and make the most of it as you head out into an unknown country.
Make a start by jumping online and finding out all you can about the college or university you will be studying at. Getting to know the history of where you are going will help you to become familiar with the place before you even arrive. This will reduce the feeling of being in a totally strange place and not being grounded.
Research the local area as well. Find out exactly where you will be living, what services are available locally and make a list of essential services such as the local chemist, doctor and dentist in case you need them while you are away. Download or print out a local map too and pack it in your hand luggage so it’s available if and when you need it.
You should also find out what items you are expected to bring with you when you begin your course. Certain books may have to be purchased in the country you are visiting, but you may be able to take some with you. Consider the practicalities of taking a lot of stuff with you though – you’ll need room for all those personal items as well as your study materials.
Don’t forget to double check your passport is well in date for the whole of your stay, and obtain any visas or other required paperwork in plenty of time before you depart.
Leaving home to study abroad may be the first time you have ventured overseas on your own. It’s a good opportunity to discover a whole new world on your own however – so make the most of every second of it.
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