Small business owners everywhere know how difficult and expensive it can be to get their name around. This article is aimed at those businesses that work within their own community and deal directly with the general public and perhaps some businesses. Here, I would like to look at five of the often overlooked products that really generate business. Promotional gifts spread the word around town that you are there so if you own or manage a small business, this article is for you. Perhaps you have already experimented with business gifts and are simply looking for ideas. With this in mind, I will now present the promotional gift items I feel no small business should be without.
Promotional Pens: There are pens available in every price bracket. Some cost only pennies where others can be quite expensive. I usually recommend looking for a quantity of good quality plastic pens. Try to stay away from the really cheap pens as they usually do not write very well and people will not use them. By offering printed pens with you logo and contact details to your customers, you are giving them a product they need often and will use. Each time they do, they will see your details. If budget permits, it may also be a good idea to purchase a small quantity of executive metal gift pens to give on occasion to your key customers.
Fridge Magnets: There is no doubt that these small logo printed products generate business. Almost everyone has at least one on the refrigerator. If you are in a position where you deal regularly with the general public, they could even work better than a business card. Print some with your logo and details and give them to your clients instead of a card. They can then put them on their fridge and will see your details each time they are near it. They will never need to go looking for your details again.
Promotional Mugs: Mugs are one of the biggest selling promotional gifts around the world. They can be difficult to send through the post but if you are dealing directly with the people in your community, they can be and excellent marketing tool. Almost everyone takes a coffee or tea break during the day. If they are using your mug, they will be reintroduced to you each time they do.
Logobugs: These very inexpensive fluffy flags are loved by many. In case you are not familiar with them, they are the pom characters that usually have eyes and feet and a flag banner that is printed with your logo and details. They can easily stick almost anywhere by an adhesive area under the feet. These cute characters can and will get your details out inexpensively and in a fun way.
Keyrings: Everyone needs a good keyring. They a attached to their house, business and car keys which means they are taken everywhere. By offering your customers good quality plastic or metal promotional keyrings, you can rest assured that your details will be with them every day wherever they may travel.
Now I would like to invite you to visit my promotional gifts website Regardless of where you do business in the world, I would be happy to offer you FREE advice on making your next promotion a success with business gifts. I can be contacted through my website or on +44 (0)1642 782455. Good luck!
Dan Toombs is Managing Director of CompuGift Limited. Established in 1997, CompuGift was the first internet based promotional gift supplier in the UK.